TMPL_305_xmnu.txt Version: 2-byte integer (decimal) Item extensions: list (2-byte one-based item count) Entry Type: list (2-byte one-based item count) Command id: 4-byte integer (char) (bit field) Reserved: boolean Reserved: boolean Reserved: boolean Reserved: boolean No command key modifier: boolean Control key modifier: boolean Option key modifier: boolean Shift key modifier: boolean Icon type placeholder: 1-byte zero fill Icon handle placeholder: 4-byte zero fill Text encoding (current script -2, system script -1): 4-byte integer (decimal) Reference constant 1: 4-byte integer (char) Reference constant 2: 4-byte integer (char) Hierarchial 'MENU' id (none 0): 2-byte integer (decimal) Font id (sys font 0): 2-byte integer (decimal) Substitute Glyph (natural glyph 0): 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_211_DITL.txt Number of items: list (2-byte zero-based item count) Place holder: 4-byte zero fill Display rect: rectangle Item type: 1-byte integer (hex) Item info: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment with 1-byte offset) TMPL_143_CRED.txt Mask PICT ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Initial Delay: 2-byte integer (decimal) Rate: 2-byte integer (decimal) #entries: list (2-byte one-based item count) Operation: 4-byte integer (char) param 1: 2-byte integer (decimal) param 2: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_142_ICLB.txt Hilite Opt (6):: 2-byte integer (decimal) H Offset: 2-byte integer (decimal) V Offset: 2-byte integer (decimal) Titles (STR# ID): 2-byte integer (decimal) (bit field) Titles Vis: boolean Use Res Name: boolean Small Icons: boolean spare: boolean spare: boolean spare: boolean spare: boolean spare: boolean pad: (align to 2-byte boundary) #icons: list (2-byte one-based item count) Icon ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Type (0,1,2): 2-byte integer (decimal) Title Index: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_141_LIST.txt #rows: 2-byte integer (decimal) #columns: 2-byte integer (decimal) STR# Res ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Proc ID (0): 2-byte integer (decimal) (bit field) V Scroll?: boolean H Scroll?: boolean Growbox?: boolean Visible?: boolean Kybd Focus?: boolean White bkgnd?: boolean No key-nav?: boolean Spare: boolean padding: (align to 2-byte boundary) RefCon: 4-byte integer (decimal) Font size: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font: pstring (1-byte length; 64 bytes reserved) Cell height (0 = auto): 2-byte integer (decimal) Cell width (0 = auto): 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_140_ZARB.txt Frame: rectangle # Columns: 2-byte integer (decimal) Col Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Sel Flags: 4-byte integer (hex) Scroller?: 1-byte integer (decimal) H Scrollbar?: 1-byte integer (decimal) V Scrollbar?: 1-byte integer (decimal) Size Box?: 1-byte integer (decimal) Aux Restype: 4-byte integer (char) Aux Res ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) InitStyle: 2-byte integer (decimal) Row Extra: 2-byte integer (decimal) Col Inset: 2-byte integer (decimal) Border width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Draw border?: boolean TMPL_139_ISIZ.txt *****: list (until end of resource) Item #: 2-byte integer (decimal) Flags (0): 2-byte integer (hex) Top: 1-byte integer (decimal) Left: 1-byte integer (decimal) Bottom: 1-byte integer (decimal) Right: 1-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_138_ZARB.txt Frame: rectangle # Columns: 2-byte integer (decimal) Col Width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Sel Flags: 2-byte integer (hex) Reserved (0): 2-byte integer (decimal) Scroller?: 1-byte integer (decimal) H Scrollbar?: 1-byte integer (decimal) V Scrollbar?: 1-byte integer (decimal) User Flag: 1-byte integer (decimal) Aux Restype: 4-byte integer (char) Aux Res ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) InitStyle: 2-byte integer (decimal) Row Extra: 2-byte integer (decimal) Col Inset: 2-byte integer (decimal) Border width: 2-byte integer (decimal) Draw border?: boolean TMPL_137_ZWIN.txt Bounds: rectangle Class: 2-byte integer (decimal) -: 2-byte zero fill -: 1-byte zero fill (bit field) rsrv 2: boolean rsrv 1: boolean Sidebar?: boolean Resizeable?: boolean Collapse?: boolean V Zoom?: boolean H Zoom?: boolean Close Box?: boolean Auto position: 4-byte integer (decimal) Back colour (R): 2-byte integer (hex) Back colour (G): 2-byte integer (hex) Back colour (B): 2-byte integer (hex) -: (align to 2-byte boundary) Title: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_136_tab#.txt Version (0): 2-byte integer (decimal) #tabs: list (2-byte one-based item count) Icon Suite: 2-byte integer (decimal) Tab String: pstring (1-byte length) Fill: 4-byte zero fill Fill: 2-byte zero fill TMPL_135_sitl.txt Master Item #: 2-byte integer (decimal) #Sections: list (2-byte one-based item count) #Items: list (2-byte one-based item count) Item No: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_134_dftb.txt version#: 2-byte integer (decimal) #items: list (2-byte one-based item count) Type (0 = skip): 2-byte integer (decimal) Flags: 2-byte integer (hex) Font ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font Size: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font Style: 2-byte integer (hex) Mode: 2-byte integer (decimal) Justify: 2-byte integer (decimal) Text 2-byte integer (hex) Text 2-byte integer (hex) Text 2-byte integer (hex) Back 2-byte integer (hex) Back 2-byte integer (hex) Back 2-byte integer (hex) Font Name: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_133_ILIM.txt *****: list (until end of resource) Item: 1-byte integer (decimal) Size Flags: 1-byte integer (hex) TMPL_132_DLIM.txt Rect:: rectangle TMPL_131_WLIM.txt Rect:: rectangle TMPL_130_LIST.txt #rows: 2-byte integer (decimal) #columns: 2-byte integer (decimal) STR# Res ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Proc ID (0): 2-byte integer (decimal) (bit field) V Scroll?: boolean H Scroll?: boolean Growbox?: boolean Visible?: boolean Kybd Focus?: boolean White bkgnd?: boolean No key-nav?: boolean Spare: boolean padding: (align to 2-byte boundary) RefCon: 4-byte integer (decimal) Font size: 2-byte integer (decimal) Font: pstring (1-byte length; 64 bytes reserved) Cell height (0 = auto): 2-byte integer (decimal) Cell width (0 = auto): 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_129_ICLB.txt Hilite Opt (6):: 2-byte integer (decimal) H Offset: 2-byte integer (decimal) V Offset: 2-byte integer (decimal) Titles (STR# ID): 2-byte integer (decimal) (bit field) Titles Vis: boolean Use Res Name: boolean Small Icons: boolean spare: boolean spare: boolean spare: boolean spare: boolean spare: boolean pad: (align to 2-byte boundary) #icons: list (2-byte one-based item count) Icon ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Type (0,1,2): 2-byte integer (decimal) Title Index: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_128_DTIP.txt #strings: list (2-byte one-based item count) the string:: pstring (1-byte length)